Friday, April 30, 2010


Nilkamal: - Now, we are going to ‘Configure Fiscal Year Variant’. There are 5 steps to configure the fiscal year variant. The 5 steps are:- 1) Maintain Fiscal Year Variant, 2) Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant, 3) Define Posting Period Variant, 4) Assign Company Code to Posting Period Variant, 5) Open and Close Posting Periods. For a Fiscal Year Variant, we can define how many Posting Periods, a fiscal year has, How many Special Periods, a client needs and how the system is to determine the posting periods, while posting? Posting Periods are the periods within a fiscal year for which transaction figures are updated. Every transaction that is posted is assigned to a particular posting period. The transaction figures are then updated for this period. Now, these Special Periods are used to club the last regular Posting Periods for closing operations. For example, say, the month of January, February and March are three different Posting Periods. But, if you combine these three Posting Periods, that is the months of January, February and March can be used to represent a single Special Period, which will be used during closing in the form of a quarterly result. Therefore, a maximum of 12 Posting Periods and 4 Special Periods make up a Fiscal Year. Posting Periods are used to update the books of accounts and Special Periods are used for closing the books of accounts. The transaction code for this is OB29.

Suhash: - Sir, after selecting the ‘New Entry’ button, we are getting a form, with some unknown columns.

Nilkamal: - I will explain all the columns. This ‘Year Dependant’ indicator indicates the allocation of posting periods to calendar year which must be made individually for each year. This is mandatory, if the end of the period is not linked to a fixed calendar day. The column ‘Calendar Year’ indicates that the posting period is matching the months of calendar year or not. A Calendar year starts from January and ends in December. But, in India, we follow the financial year, which starts from April and ends in March. So, we don’t need to put any value in the ‘Calendar Year’ column. Later, we will assign the values in the ‘Year Shift’ column only. Accha, before going to that stage, we need to configure Periods in the ‘Fiscal Year’ column. Always remember that in case of non-calendar year variants, we need to configure periods. In periods, system recognizes the beginning of the period and the end of the period. Just look at the screen. Select ‘B1’ and then double click on ‘Periods’ on left panel. Now, just select the ‘New Entries’ button to open a new form. What can you see in the new form?

Manoj: - Sir, there are four columns. The columns are ‘Month’, ‘Date’, ‘Period’ and ‘Year Shift’.

Nilkamal: - In the ‘Month’ Column, just write in each cell serially, the values from 1 to 12. This represents 12 months in a calendar year. In the ‘Date’ column, just enter the number of days for each month. For example, the ‘Month’ 2 will have the value of 28 or 29, in the ‘Date’ column, as the February contains either 28 or 29 days. Now, the concept of ‘Year Shift’ arises. The ‘Year Shift’ parameter indicates whether the Fiscal Year of the Posting Period is different from the Calendar Year or not. Enter ‘+1’, if the Fiscal Year > Calendar Year and enter ‘-1’, if the Fiscal Year <> SAP Reference IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings (FAGS) -> Fiscal Year -> Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant -> Select ‘Position’ key -> Enter ‘Company Code’ -> Select ‘V3’ as the default value instead of ‘B1’. From here, we need to ‘Define Posting Period Variant’. The transaction code is OBB0. In the form, you will get a column ‘Account Assignment’. Just enter ‘+’ there, which means that it is valid for all accounts, otherwise, you need to specify the account type: - Assets (A), Customers (D), Vendors (K), G/L (S) and Contract (V). If you cannot assign the account type, you cannot put any transaction for that account. So, be on safe side, by entering ‘+’ only. After that we will ‘Assign Variants to Company Code’. The transaction code is OBBP. We will end here today.

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