Nilkamal: - Today, we will ‘Define Field Status Variant’. The path is :- SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings (FAGS) -> Document -> Line Item -> Controls -> Define Field Status Variants. The transaction ID is OBC4. In this activity, we will define and edit Field Status Variants and Groups.
Manoj: - What is determined by a Field Status Group?
Nilkamal: - a Field Status Group determines which fields are ready for input, which are the required entry fields and which are the hidden fields. Just look at the screen. Select the row with id ‘0001’ in accordance to your company id. Select ‘Copy As’ button or press F6 from the application toolbar. Delete ‘0001’ and enter the company code there. Press the ‘Enter’ button. Now, select ‘Copy all’ button and press ‘Enter’ key. Select the company code. Double click on the Field Status Groups on the left panel. Select ‘G001’ and then again select ‘Field Status’ tab on the Application toolbar. Now, double click on ‘General Data’. We can view a form now with two rows ‘Assignment Number’ and ‘Text’ and with three columns ‘Suppress’, ‘Required Entry’ and ‘Optional Entry’. Can you see these radio buttons under each column? If you want to keep a file as hidden, then select the radio button for ‘Suppress’ column. For Required Entry, select the radio button for ‘Compulsory’ column and for Optional entry, select the radio button for ‘Optional’ column. For ‘G001’ setting, we will save it as a suppressed Optional entry. We will repeat the same procedure for ‘G005’ setting and save it as Required Entry setting. Now, tell me, what should we do next?
Dulal: - We need to ‘Assign Company Code to Field Status Variant’.
Nilkamal: - Yes, you are right. The path for assigning company code to field status variant is:- SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings (FAGS) -> Document -> Line Items -> Controls -> Assign Company Code to Field Status Variant. The transaction code is OBCS. Now, we are going to ‘Define Document Types and Number Ranges’. In this case, a Document means a proof of a transaction, that is, a Voucher. Before defining it, let us have an idea about the notations and the numbers used for various types of accounts. There are four types of major accounts. They are General Ledger, Vendors (Accounts Payable), Customers (Accounts Receivables) and Assets (Accounting Assets). General Ledger and Accounting Assets do not have any further classification and are denoted by ‘SA’ (01) and ‘AF’ (04) respectively. Accounts Payables accounts are of four types. They are Vendor’s Invoice or Purchase Voucher ‘KR’ (19), Vendor’s Payment or Payment Voucher ‘KZ’ (15), Vendor’s Credit Memo or Debit Memo ‘KG’ (17) and Vendor’s Document i.e. Journal voucher relating to vendors also denoted by number (17). Accounts Receivables accounts are of four types. They are Customer’s Invoice or Sales Voucher ‘DR’ (18), Customer’s Payment or Receipt Voucher ‘DZ’ (14), Customer’s Credit Memo or Credit Memo ‘DG’ (16) and Customer’s Document or Journal Voucher relating to Customer which is also denoted by the number (16).
Rinky: - Oh my God! We have to deal with so many accounts, Sir?
Nilkamal: - He he he…well, for the time being, we will only take the General Ledger Documents. The path is:- SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings(FAGS) -> Document -> Document Header -> Define Document Types. The transaction code is OBA7. Just select ‘Position’ key. Then, give Document Type as ‘SA’ and press ‘Enter’ button. Now, select ‘SA’. Select ‘Details’ button on application toolbar. The setting is ready now. You can enter any transaction here as it has become the Journal Voucher. Now, let us come to the Number Range Interval. Select ‘0001’ and press ‘Details’ button. Then, click on ‘Number Range Intervals’ tab. Provide the company code. Select different ‘interval’ buttons one at a time. Provide the number range from 1 to 1000. If you also want to enter Global Parameters, then use the transaction code OBY6. There, you select the options for ‘Business Area Financial Statement’, ‘Prepare Fiscal Year’ and ‘Negative Postings Permitted’. Business Area Financial Statement indicates that the Balance Sheet and P&L account is to be created as per business area for internal purposes. For any income, expense and profit, the business area field is to be defined compulsorily. Prepare Fiscal Year means that an accounting year from April to March has been declared. Come back after the break.
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