Nilkamal: - Now, we are about to enter the most important topic of SAP. If you can concentrate on this topic, then it will be a cake walk for you to understand the other functionalities of SAP. Now, we will learn how to configure the SAP FICO module for our clients. For configuration, we have to customize the basic settings of SAP, as per client’s requirements.
Ravi: - Basic setting means; you are talking about system settings only.
Nilkamal: - to some extent, yes. But, strictly, all are not the in-built system settings. There are 24 Basic Settings in SAP FICO, out of which 19 are compulsory settings and the other 5 are optional settings. We will learn about the 19 compulsory settings now and deal with the latter 5 at a later stage. Now, just write down the 19 compulsory settings in a notebook. The 19 compulsory basic settings are Define Company, Define Company code, Assign Company Code to Company, Define Business Areas, Edit Chart of Accounts List, Assign Company Code to Chart of Accounts, Define Account Groups, Define Retained Earnings Account, Maintain Fiscal Year Variant, Assign Company code to Fiscal Year Variant, Open and Close Posting Periods, Define Document Types and Number Ranges, Define Field Status Variant, Assign Company Code to Field Status Variant, Enter Global Parameters, Define Tolerance Groups for GL accounts and Define Tolerance Groups for Employees.
Rinky: - Uff, Sir, we will go mad to configure all these things. There are so many things to configure.
Nilkamal: - Don’t get scared by these names. Once you start configuring, it is very easy. But, you have to do a lot of practice in the computer lab. Practice will make you perfect, if you want to take up a career as SAP FICO consultant.
Chaitanya: - What are the other 5 optional settings?
Nilkamal: - Optional Settings are just for Management hierarchy. Anyway, if you want to write it down, then just write it. The 5 optional settings are Define Consolidation Business Areas, Assign Business Areas to Consolidation Business Areas, Define Functional Areas, Define Financial Management Areas and Maintain Credit Control Areas.
Suhash: - Sir, all these settings will be done by FICO Consultants only. BASIS Consultants or ABAPers have no role to play in configuring these settings.
Nilkamal: - No in some cases, they do have certain roles to play. BASIS Consultants will perform the configurations of Country and Currency Settings. See, SAP is used globally. So, before starting a project, you have to assign the country name and the currency of that country.
Dulal: - How to do this Country Setting?
Nilkamal: - Ya, just write down the path. SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG - > SAP Netweaver - > General Settings - > Set Countries -> Define Countries in mySAP system. Now, select Position Tree -> Country Name - > IN. Here IN stands for INDIA. Select ‘Details’ button on Application Toolbar, you will see that the Country setting has been completed. Let us now learn how to configure company setting. The path is: - SPRO->SAP Reference IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting - > Define Company.
Manoj: - Sir, in SAP, is the Client and the Company the same thing, because, the FICO consultants will be serving the other IT or manufacturing companies only.
Nilkamal: - No, boss, there is a difference. In SAP system, a client is that self-contained unit, which has its own set of tables with separate master records, but the company is that smallest organizational unit, for which individual financial statements can be drawn up according to the relevant commercial law.
Arindam: - Very confusing, Sir. If a client is a self-contained unit, then how will you define an organizational unit?
Nilkamal: -in case of clients, we can only have records, but no reports. Organizational unit is that structure of any management, where a financial report can be generated. I will not proceed further today. It will overload your brain. Come back tomorrow, we will discuss about it in details. Bye for today.